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- Captured from CLEVELAND FREENET, October 10, 1987
- [Rick Dell'aquilla]
- Astronomer Dr. Carl Sagan, the acknowledged guru of
- professional UFO "skeptics", has been quoted as saying,
- "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." Another
- of the better known of these professional UFO skeptics, Phil
- Klass, has admitted the possibility of intelligent life
- elsewhere than planet Earth, although he finds no convincing
- evidence that UFO phenomena indicate visitation to Earth by
- alien intelligence.
- In his book, COSMOS, Dr. Sagan postulates a formula that
- suggests that many, perhaps most, stars have planets, and that
- the number of potentialy technologically advanced civilizations
- in the Milky Way galaxy can be estimated by the formula:
- N* X fp X ne X f1 X fi X fe X fL = N,
- Where:
- N* is the number of stars in our galaxy (about 400 billion)
- fp is the fraction of stars with planetary systems (about 1/3)
- ne is the number of planets per system suitable for life (2)
- f1 is the fraction of the suitable planets on which
- life actually arises (about 1/3)
- fi is the fraction of inhabited planets on which intelligence
- evolved and
- fe the fraction of inhabited planets on which a technical
- civilization developed (fi X fe = 1/100) and
- fL is the fraction of a planetary lifetime over which the
- technical civilization survived. (< .0000001%)
- Dr. Sagan's computation indicates that N ( the number
- of extant technical civilizations in our Milky Way galaxy is
- about Ten Million (10,000,000). This means that even though
- only .0025% of the stars in the Milky Way have technologically
- adavanced civilizations, there are about Ten Million
- (10,000,000) such civilizations in our galaxy.
- Dr. Sagan's estimate of 10,000,000 inhabited and
- technologically advanced planets in our one galaxy, of, course,
- does not in and of itself prove that UFO phenomena represent a
- manifestation of any one of them. However, it does indicate
- that in dealing with matters of such magnitude, even assuming
- a "low probability", (in this case, .0025%) there remains an
- astoundingly large number of potentially inhabited and highly
- developed civilizations in our part of the universe.
- Highly unusual, startling, and completely credible
- documentation concerning UFOs has been disclosed under the
- Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), is a statute by
- which citizens may compel the government to release certain
- documents. This documentation (7000 pages approx.) has been
- obtained by litigation with such agencies as the FBI, CIA, NSA,
- USAF, etc.). Much information is still being withheld from the
- public and remains to be disclosed, since the bulk of these
- documents have not been released by the government, under the
- "National Security" exemption in the statute. In view of the
- extraordinary revelations contained in these documents, there
- may be very much more, and even more disturbing, information
- yet to be revealed.
- The authenticity of the documents is not arguable,
- since they have been released directly from the federal agency
- involded to the U.S. District Courts.
- Among the UFO cases established by the official
- documentary evidence is the Bentwaters sighting of a few years
- ago. RAF Woodbridge/Bentwaters are two adjacent USAF bases
- (Strategic Air Command) on land in Eastern England leased
- by the U.S. Air Force from Great Britain. As such, these are
- high security installation and storage sites for nuclear
- weapons.
- Over the Christmas season of 1980, several British
- newspapers carried banner headlines of a unique UFO report,
- unique in the sense that the information was obtained through
- was prepared by the second in command of the base, Lt. Col
- Charles I. Halt, a trained observer with a military career he
- presumably would not wish to place in jeapordy with outlandish
- or otherwise unsubstantiated UFO claims. Yet, can one explain
- the fact that he has never retracted a word of the following
- report, was never reprimanded for making a false report, and
- indeed, was later promoted to Brig. General?
- The report states:
- "1. Early in the morning of 27 Dec 80 (approximately
- 0300L), two USAF security policemen saw unusual lights outside
- the back gate at RAF Woodbridge. Thinking an aircraft might
- have crashed or been forced down, they called for permission to
- go outside the gate to investigate. The on-duty chief respond-
- ed and allowed three patrolmen to proceed on foot. The indi-
- viduals reported seeing a strange glowing object in the forest.
- The object was described as being metallic in appearance and
- triangular in shape, approximately two to three meters across
- the base and approximately two meters high. It illuminated
- the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had
- a pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights under-
- neath. The object was hovering or on legs. As the patrolmen
- approached the object, it maneuvered through the trees and
- disappeared. At this time the animals on a nearby farm went
- into a frenzy. The object was briefly sighted approximately
- an hour later near the back gate.
- 2. The next day, three depressions 1 1/2" deep and 7"
- in diameter were found where the object had been sighted on the
- ground. The following night (29 Dec 80) the area was checked
- for radiation. Beta/gamma readings of 0.1 milliroentgens were
- recorded with peak readings in the three depressions and near
- the center of the triangle foRAGRAPHS 2 AND 3.
- (Emphasis added.)
- (Signed)
- Charles I. Halt, Lt. Col, USAF
- Deputy Base Commander "
- Moreover, in a 1984 CNN documentary on the Bentwaters
- case, current and former USAF security personnel independently
- confirmed the contents of the Halt report. A former military
- policeman, "Airman Gregg," stated, " I saw some kind of
- spaceship from someplace not of this Earth." A former Master
- Sgt., who was part of the team that investigated the landing
- site, said the team found three depressions in the soil, 12
- feet apart, in an equilateral triangle. One officer who is
- still on active duty with the USAF corroborated these
- statements and added that motion pictures and still photographs
- of the site were also taken. (denied by the USAF.)
- Lt. Col. Halt ordered a hightened state of alert for the
- following night, on which night a four-man perimiter patrol
- reported seeing strange lights in the sky outside the back gate
- that, "were unlike the pattern of any known aircraft." They
- requested and were given permission to investigate.
- They found that an INTENSE light was eminating from a
- clearing in the forest at the end of the runway. One security
- officer said that as they approached, all the hair on their
- bodies (even under their hats) stood on end, "like therre was a
- big static charge in the air." They loaded their M-16s. "We
- didn't know what we were encountering; and we knew it was
- something beyond our realm of experience. We had never
- experienced anything like that before. About that time, we
- decided to get the...out of there." The armed security police
- ran off and encountered about 30 more security police (led by
- Lt. Col. Halt) in about a half-dozen vehicles on a nearby road.
- Halt and a three man team, including Sgr. "B" ( a USAF
- security officer still on active duty) approached the
- clearing. The Sgt. later said, "right now, I do believe that
- UFOs exist. Up to this point, I had been skeptical. Now I
- believe there may have been someone else there."
- Larry Warren, a former security officer, has come forward
- without anonymity and has withstood a blistering attack by the
- professional skeptics on his personal integrity, who claimed he
- was a drug user or flat out, a liar. These unsubstantiated
- charges were later retracted by the skeptics. Warren maintains
- that more happened on the second night that is not included in
- the report or on the tape. Warren states, "I was very
- close...At one point we saw people, or whatever you want to
- call them, coming out. There were three of them..they stood
- there...actually floated...our base commander was there (Lt.
- Col. Gordon Williams)."
- Although the USAF originally maintained that "no audio-
- visual documentation of the incident exists," a FOIA action
- unearthed a 20 minute audio tape made by Lt. Col. Halt which
- describes segments of events over a seven hour period of this
- second night. Among routine recordings of the levels of
- radioactivity and the other evidence referred to in the Halt
- report, the tape describes Lt. Col. Halt's EYEWITNESS UFO
- SIGHTING made at the time of the recording. Skeptics have
- maintained that Lt. Col. Halt and his men mistakenly sighted
- the Orford lighthouse about ten miles away.
- Although a lighthouse beacon can be a source of a single
- light point, there the similarity to the Halt report and tape
- ends. Lighthouse beacons do not leave radioactive "Landing
- Marks" in the soil. A single beacon is not simultaneously
- visible in two different directions (180 degrees apart-north
- and south) In fact, at one point, Lt. Col. Halt describes four
- separate lights at the same time, that moved about
- independently of each other then disappeared.
- It is not likely that the beacon would have
- been shut off in the middle of the night, just as it is
- improbable that the Deputy Base Commander of a highly
- sensitive nuclear base (and at least a dozen of his men) could
- have confused a lighthouse beacon, in a location he was no
- doubt familiar with, with the highly unusual lights he
- describes--let alone that the confusion would have lasted in
- excess of one hour.
- The lighthouse explanation simply does not stand up
- under close scrutiny. When this position collapsed, the
- skeptics then turned to challenging the personal integrity of
- the men who spoke out--and the discussion got ugly. These men
- were alleged to be drug users and the skeptics maintained that
- these security personnel were, in the words of one noted
- skeptic, "hallucinating Keystone Cops."
- At one point, the tape records Lt. Col. Halt (excited and
- breathing rapidly) saying, "It's (the UFO) moving out...It's
- moving fast!" Another security officer remarks, "There's one
- on the right heading this way too!"
- Halt continues, "They're both heading north. Hey! Here!
- Here...Here he's coming from the south! He's coming toward us
- now! WEIRD!...Now we are observing what appears to be a beam
- coming down to the ground. THIS IS UNREAL!" To repeat, this
- is an authenticated audio tape, obtained under the FOIA, which
- has never been retracted by Lt. Col. (now Brig. General) Halt
- or any other USAF official.
- Any OBJECTIVE review of this evidence indicates that the
- government is (or should be) VERY interested in the matter of
- UFOs, despite its official position that it discontinued all
- investigations in 1969. Indeed, many scientists are convinced
- that more study of UFOs is needed.
- e conducted the investigation entirely on his own.
- On July 9, 1985, Senator Exon wrote a letter stating,
- "...while additional information on the subject of Bentwaters
- AND OTHER UNEXPLAINED UFO INCIDENTS (emphasis added) may exist,
- I can find no evidence of a coverup..."
- This letter was written significantly after the light-
- house explanation was first proposed and apparently the
- Senator also found the lighthouse description unacceptable,
- chosing rather to call the incident an "unexplained UFO
- incident."
- Although Senator Exon has refused further comment on
- Bentwaters, in a letter dated August 14, 1985, he stated,
- "I have put in more time on this matter than any other case
- since I have been a U.S. Senator." I leave it to the reader
- to judge the importance at least one busy U.S. Senator felt
- this matter demanded, to have taken so much time with this
- sighting. SOMETHING grabbed his interest.
- How do we know whether UFOs exist? We don't. What we do
- know is that an unusually large number of UFO reports exist,
- and that some, such as the Halt report, are indeed
- EXTRAORDINARY, in the sense mandated by Dr. Sagan. There are
- many common points shared by these reports (e.g. the types of
- phenomena reported, that the better the report the harder it is
- to explain away and that many reports are made by perfectly
- normal and sometimes highly trained personnel whose testimony
- on any other subject would be accepted in any court of law).
- We also know that our government and others continue to study
- UFOs, despite their official position that they do not. Many
- lawsuits have been filed under the Freedom of Information Act
- against the FBI, CIA, DIA, NSA, Air Force, Army, Navy, etc.,
- which have revealed many previously classified documents
- confirming that the government takes the matter VERY seriously
- and that there are far more such documents remaining which the
- government refuses to disclose.
- Perhaps the most open government involved in the study of
- UFOs is France, although even they recently tightened the
- security of these matters. In 1974, M. Robert Galley, the
- French Minister of Defense, gave an interview on French
- National Radio in which he stated that UFOs are real and that
- if the public were told the amount and quality of the evidence
- (such as radar sightings and fighter gun camera movies) they
- would be very disturbed. He also revealed in the interview
- that the government was passing UFO information on for
- evaluation by CNES (the French NASA). Dr. Claude Poher was in
- charge of the study there. By May 1, 1977, the work of Dr.
- Poher was so impressive that the French government put it on a
- much more official basis, gave the project a substantial grant
- of funds and created a new division of CNES under Poher's
- direction. This division was named GEPAN (which stands for
- Group into Unidentified Atmospheric Phenomena).
- About one year after the project started, Dr. Pierre
- Guerin, an astronomer working for the project wrote, "an
- intelligence controls the UFOs, and it is not ours." Later in
- the the article, Guerin said the the governments of the earth
- knew the truth about UFOs (that they came from an intelligence
- which coexisted with us on the planet and may actually control
- us!) but that they had no idea how to disclose this information
- and still maintain world order.
- GEPAN marked a new phase of open communication in official
- policy, and the project was very cooperative with ufologists,
- unlike governmental agencies in the United States. In a
- document dated February, 1979, GEPAN outlines how the study
- operates. There are field workers, including an early warning
- team who can be rapidly sent to the scene of an incident. A
- team of scientists of various disciplines studies the
- information collected in well equipped laboratories.
- Psychologists evaluate witnesses. The National Police
- (Gendarmes) are to prepare reports of incidents to be passed on
- to GEPAN.
- Of 354 reports received in 1978, 53% involved close
- encounters, of which 25% were classified "unexplained" and 34%
- "potentially unknown but lacking probative data." GEPAN states
- that these alarming results "pose a real question after
- analysis by our experts." It was at this time that GEPAN
- decided that "great vigilance is necessary regarding the
- distribution and publication of these studies. We estimate
- that the witnesses we have met have really seen the things
- which they report to us...the study of the cause of these
- phenomena is capable of bringing forth new knowledge." In
- private, Poher and Guerin were going even farther, and the
- French government became worried. A new director, astronomer
- Dr. Alain Esterle, was appointed. Less GEPAN information was
- released, although Dr. Esterle stated in 1981 that the work of
- GEPAN was proving that UFOs were indeed alien.
- With the growth of its work and information collected by
- 1982, GEPAN had tightened its security measures and a
- "reorganization" of GEPAN was instituted. Esterle was replaced
- by an engineer and Dr. Guerin released this statement in 1983:
- "It is not the scientists, naturally skeptical as they
- are, who induced the military and political leaders to refuse
- to take 'UFO stories' seriously. It is these authorities them-
- selves who are concealing from us what they know...and they
- have put it into the minds of the scientists to deny the
- existence of es believes that most sightings are misidenti-
- fications of prosaic objects, he estimates that 1,000 to 10,000
- reports from all over the world remain for which no
- conventional explanation is possible. He speculates that
- similar events have been occurring for centuries. But despite
- the literal "mountain" of evidence that has accumulated over
- the past 40 years of government interest in UFOs, including the
- GEPAN program in France, not one other government is willing to
- openly admit that there is anything curious in the UFO
- phenomena worthy of study, let alone a potential security
- problem.
- He cites a remarkable public apathy, a climate of
- ridicule by the media and an air of apparent indifference
- by the world governments. But, he says, this is only an
- apparent indifference, as the phenomena is undoubtedly
- being studied somewhere in some back rooms.
- For example, documents obtained under the FOIA from the
- CIA, NSA and other governmental agencies provide undeniable
- evidence of continuing official interest in UFOs. Noyes
- congratulates his former colleagues at the MOD on their
- ability to pretend to take no notice of the stranger incidents
- reported to them.
- Noyes believes that the Bentwaters case in 1980 is one of
- the most important UFO cases in history. It was this case that
- encouraged Noyes to finally write the UFO book he had long
- considered. He chose the fictional format because it permitted
- him to enter into various speculations which would not
- otherwise be possible.
- U. S. Senator Barry Goldwater (Arizona) is a retired USAF
- General, with TOP SECRET CLEARANCE, who attempted to gain
- access to a storage facility alleged to contain dead aliens at
- Wright-Patterson AFB. He was refused entry since he did not
- have, believe it or not, a high enough security clearance.
- On December 3, 1974, Goldwater wrote the following letter:
- "...I made an effort to get in the room at Wright-Patter-
- son Field where the information was stored and I was denied
- this request, understandably."
- On March 28, 1975, Senator Goldwater wrote again:
- "...The subject of UFOs has interested me for some time.
- I made an effort to find out what was in THE BUILDING AT
- Added).
- Other prominent Amercans have also gone on record that
- the UFO phenomena is worthy of serious study, for example:
- 1. President Carter asked NASA to explore the
- possibility of investigating UFOs.
- 2. When he was in Congress, President Ford called for
- Congressional investigations of UFOs.
- 3. Astronaut Gordon Cooper said, "I believe that these
- extraterrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this
- planet from other planets."
- 4. General Nathan Twining, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
- of Staff and reputed member of MJ-12, wrote a secret memo on
- September 23, 1947, in which he stated to the Commanding
- General of the Army Air Forces on the subject of "Flying
- Discs":
- " a. The phenomenon reported is something REAL and not
- visionary or fictitious.
- b. There are objects probably approximating the shape
- of a disc, of such appreciable size as to appear to
- be as large as a man-made aircraft.
- c. There is a possibility that some of the incidents
- may be caused by natural phenomena, such as
- meteors.
- d. The reported operating characteristics such as
- extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly
- in roll), and action which must be considered EVASIVE
- when sighted or contacted by friendly aircraft and
- radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of the
- objects are controlled either manually, automatically
- or remotely." (Emphasis in Original).
- It is now clear that the U.S. Air Force Project Blue
- Book was merely a public relations effort to show something
- being "done" about UFOs. It is equally clear that the real
- effort was, and continues to be conducted elsewhere.
- In 1969, the U.S. Air Force closed it's public UFO data
- gathering effort known as "Project Blue Book." Since that
- time, all inquiries to the Air force requesting information on
- UFOs were met with standard form letters indicating that,
- since 1969, the Air Force no longer is involved in UFO
- investigation and that the reports gathered by Project Blue
- Book have been archived and are available elsewhere.
- Lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act have
- obtained significant official documentation verifying an on-
- going uninterrupted concern with UFO investigations by the Air
- Force, belying its publicly stated position on the matter.
- A Joint Army Navy Air Force Publication (JANAP 146)
- requires reports of any sighting which could be a threat to
- national security. UFOs continue to be sighted by military
- personnel and are reported under this regulation.
- Indeed, important UFO sightings and reports, even before
- 1969, were not processed under Project Blue Book, but were and
- are collected and investigated elsewhere by the military. An
- Air Force document dated October 20, 1969, which proposed
- termination of Project Blue Book, states, "Reports of
- Unidentified Flying Objects which could affect national
- security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force
- (Emphasis Added)...reports of UFOs which could affect national
- security should continue to be handled through standarddeemed to constitute a threat to national
- security under JANAP 146, are considered by the regulation as
- something different than missles and aircraft.
- Moreover, the term "UFO," as used in these regulations,
- is given very clear definition. Illustrations in Air Force
- Intelligence manuals at least as far back as 1953 represent
- UFOs as large, disc-shaped craft with transparent domes and
- portholes around the edges. A U.S. Navy publication (OPNAV 94-
- P-3B), titled "MERINT Radiotelegraph Procedure," shows UFOs as
- a separate class from missles and aircraft. In fact, an
- illustration under the UFO heading shows a Saturn-shaped disc.
- Obviously, this does not even approach "final proof" of
- the existence of UFOs. But it does constitute EXTRAORDINARY
- EVIDENCE as suggested by Dr. Sagan in that it establishes that
- those responsible in our government take a serious attitude
- toward UFOs, despite the public pronouncements to the
- contrary. The official documents released under the FOIA
- establish an intense governmental interest in UFOs over at
- least the past 40 years. These monumental efforts are
- completely irreconcilable with the notion that UFOs are nothing
- more than the imaginations and misidentifications of a
- misguided and gullible populace.
- In reviewing the many uploads to this board, I felt there
- should be a more streamlined way to present the above ideas for
- consideration and discussion. Your responses are invited.
- ---------------------------------------